JESSM   |  e-ISSN: 2979-9899

Journal Metric

Every views or download of this analysis belongs to a real person or device. Recurring entries via the same IP address are registered as a single visit.

  United States 3.910 7.546
Unknown 3.697 5.679
  France 1.910 1.937
  China 1.070 1.226
  Turkey 1.016 1.250
  Russian Federation 724 1.145
  Singapore 486 487
  Italy 38 39
  India 37 41
  Nigeria 20 33
  Philippines 20 34
  Thailand 19 19
  Ethiopia 16 17
  Ireland 15 45
  Brazil 13 16
  Ghana 9 12
  South Africa 6 6
  Chile 5 5
  Iraq 5 5
  United Kingdom 3 14
  Indonesia 3 9
  Iran, Islamic Republic of 2 3
  Germany 2 3
  Mexico 2 2
  Netherlands 2 3
Unknown 1 1
  Uganda 1 1
  Kenya 1 1
  Czech Republic 1 1
  Portugal 1 1
  Egypt 1 1
  Tanzania, United Republic of 1 1
  Switzerland 1 1
  Australia 1 3
  Colombia 1 1
  Poland 0 6
  Ecuador 0 2
  Zimbabwe 0 1
  Yemen 0 1
  Canada 0 8
  Sweden 0 2
  Nepal 0 1
  Israel 0 1
  Austria 0 1
  South Korea 0 1
  Kazakhstan 0 1
  Malaysia 0 2
  Hong Kong 0 1
  New Zealand 0 1
  Greece 0 4
  Iceland 0 1
  Malawi 0 1
Total 52 countries