JESSM   |  e-ISSN: 2979-9899

Original article | Journal of Educational Studies in Science and Mathematics 2023, Vol. 2(1) 15-42

An Attempt to Learn the Education System of England from the Perspective of a Turkish-Born Teacher and a Teacher Candidate: A Comparative Narrative Approach

Serkan Coştu & Berivan Tezcan

pp. 15 - 42   |  DOI:   |  Manu. Number: MANU-2212-28-0002.R2

Published online: December 12, 2023  |   Number of Views: 60  |  Number of Download: 475


This study aims to examine the education systems in England and Turkiye comparatively. In this direction, it was preferred to use narrative research, which is defined as a particular form of qualitative research design. In this context, stories in prose style were produced with the help of online and printed documents and online interviews with the participants. In this context, this study was conducted with the understanding of easily accessible case sampling, one of the purposive sampling methods. One of the participants in this study is a Turkish kindergarten teacher living in England and working in a public school. The other participant is a university student studying in one of England's public universities' early childhood education departments. In the first section, under the title of "Let's Get to Know England" the current situation in terms of culture, history, geography, and politics is discussed by referring to the international success of England in education. The second section examines education policies, the basic principles that guide education, the structure and organization of the education system, and higher education and teacher education under the title of the England education system. In the third section, policies and strategies of the England education system, educational financing, and management are discussed under the title of ageless innovations, lifelong learning, qualifications, citizenship, and entrepreneurship. The fourth section discusses sibling rivalry and lifelong learning teachers, teacher training, placement, and inspection mechanisms as the inner face of competition in Turkiye and England. The fifth section discusses England and Turkiye's level of development under the title of intercontinental competition and international exams by the effects of socioeconomic indicators on education, and similarities and differences of the education system are evaluated in the context of international exams. In the sixth section, named under the title of conclusion and evaluation, Turkiye and England were compared in line with their current situation in terms of their advantageous and disadvantageous aspects in the light of the previous chapters.

Keywords: Comparative Education, Early Childhood Education, Education System of England, Education System of Turkiye, Kindergarten Teacher

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APA 6th edition
Costu, S. & Tezcan, B. (2023). An Attempt to Learn the Education System of England from the Perspective of a Turkish-Born Teacher and a Teacher Candidate: A Comparative Narrative Approach . Journal of Educational Studies in Science and Mathematics, 2(1), 15-42. doi: 10.29329/jessm.2023.618.2

Costu, S. and Tezcan, B. (2023). An Attempt to Learn the Education System of England from the Perspective of a Turkish-Born Teacher and a Teacher Candidate: A Comparative Narrative Approach . Journal of Educational Studies in Science and Mathematics, 2(1), pp. 15-42.

Chicago 16th edition
Costu, Serkan and Berivan Tezcan (2023). "An Attempt to Learn the Education System of England from the Perspective of a Turkish-Born Teacher and a Teacher Candidate: A Comparative Narrative Approach ". Journal of Educational Studies in Science and Mathematics 2 (1):15-42. doi:10.29329/jessm.2023.618.2.

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